Quality comic books for the discerning collector
Quality comic books for the discerning collector
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Fresh comics for Q2 2023

Fresh comics for Q2 2023

Fresh cool stuff is now instore - including some hard to find variants such as this Yoda #6 Okazaki incentive variant:   New #1 issues include Spider-man India (fresh from his appearance in Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse): (Maybe my personal preference, but I'd love to see an issue of this drawn by P Craig Russell....) We also have a new #1 for the Black Panther, for which we're carrying the very cool Rahzzah variant cover: Also, let's not forget about Strange Academy - we have the final issue of the Strange Academy Finals series in which the school year draws to...

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New books!

New books!

Wow, we are really behind with blogging about our new books - so you'll just have to find out what arrived over the past couple of months for yourselves by digging around on the website! This week (1st Feb 2023) we're excited about Bloodline: Daughter of Blade. We were expecting a sort of fairly light Buffy-like story, but it's better written than we expected, and the new character Whitney could be interesting (can't say why without spoilers, so we won't), depending on what direction they end up taking her. We've got both the regular Cover A and the pretty bad-ass Stegman variant....

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October books

October books

We're running a bit late listing October's books, so apologies for that, but here they are: It shouldn't come as any surprise that the biggest book for us this month is Star Wars: The High Republic (vol 2) #1. Lots of first appearances, and plenty of comic action. Probably a very high print count - it's not like anybody was sleeping on this - but if Disney keep building on the High Republic era and these characters, then that won't stop these books being in demand in the future... All three covers have something going for them: Cover A is...

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New books for September now in stock

New books for September now in stock

September's books have arrived, and there's lots to be exited about: In our opinion, the biggest book for collectors in this month's batch is the Darth Bane cover for Star Wars: Darth Vader #27 - the first appearance of Darth Bane in a Marvel comic book, on this variant cover - and in what appears to be a new design for the character, which could indicate that they have plans to use him in an upcoming story. Star Wars fans will know that Darth Bane is a key figure in Sith lore - being the originator of the Rule of Two...

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New comics have arrived!

All-Out Avengers Amazing Fantasy Blade Comic book Ghost Rider Momoko Predator Sacrament Skottie Young

New comics have arrived!

New comics are in! Hurrah! Lots of exciting books, so here's a quick breakdown: All-Out Avengers #1 is a really fun read, I think the premise for this series - entirely self-contained action adventure with no filler - could lead to some really great stories. We have the very cool Skottie Young Blade variant cover available.   Predator #1 is out, as Disney start building out one of their new properties. We've got two covers for it, the Inhyuk Lee cover, and the Skottie Young cover (huh, looks like we really like Skottie Young covers this month).   On a bit...

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